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Office of Crime Analysis and Strategic Partnership (ID: 110037) for Summer 2024


Div of Criminal Justice Services

80 South Swan Street
Albany , NY 12210
E-Mail: dcjsjobs@dcjs.ny.gov
Phone: (518) 485-1704

Division/Unit: OCASP


Web Site: http://www.criminaljustice.ny.gov(New Window)


Proposal Information


The Student Assistant will perform the following duties:
Assisting with drafting monthly newsletter
- Assisting with Updating SharePoint site
- Creating informational products for the CAC Network
- Providing basic support to both Technology & Training Units
- Other routine tasks, as needed



Graphic Design

MS Publisher or other marketing programs

Microsoft Office Products


Internship Areas: Criminal Justice/Corrections, Information Technology, Planning/Analysis/Research

Logistical Information

Payment? Paid

Number of Hours: 20 - 30

Location: Albany

Number of Interns Needed: 1

Desired Candidate Profile

Preferred Standing Sophomore

Minimum Standing: Sophomore

Degree Concentrations: Communication Studies, Information Technology