Dept of Environmental Conservation
220 White Plains RoadTarrytown , NY 10591
Division/Unit: Division of Water
Web Site:
Dept of Environmental Conservation
220 White Plains RoadDivision/Unit: Division of Water
Web Site:
Internship will be three days a week, eight hours a day for ten weeks. NYSDEC has numerous State Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (SPDES) permit programs under the Clean Water Act. This internship will focus on the SPDES Municipal Separate Storm System permit (MS-4).The MS-4 permit requires affected municipalities to implement a stormwater program that includes six minimum measures. The intern will participate in auditing these communities and preparing the audit reports. There may be opportunity to learn about other DEC water programs including wastewater and stormwater from construction sites.
Excellent writing skills
Ability to work in the field
Ability to work independently
Internship Areas: Engineering, Environmental Conservation, Policy Enforcement
Payment? Unpaid
Number of Hours: 20 - 30
Location: Westchester
Number of Interns Needed: 1
Preferred Standing Senior
Minimum Standing: Junior
Degree Concentrations: Engineering, Environmental Studies