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Climate Change Intern (ID: 109935) for Summer 2024


Dept of Environmental Conservation

625 Broadway
Albany , NY 12233
E-Mail: mark.lowery@dec.ny.gov

Division/Unit: Executive/Office of Climate Change


Web Site: www.dec.ny.gov(New Window)


School Affiliation

New York State residents or attending a New York State University

Proposal Information


Interns may be assigned specific tasks within any of the following areas: directed research in greenhouse gas mitigation and climate change adaptation; communication planning and implementation; computer programming to support office functions and program implementation; assistance with greenhouse gas inventories; refinement of Climate Smart Communities certification program; and review of Climate Smart Communities certification documentation and grant applications. Office hours are Monday through Friday, 8:30-4:45.





policy analysis

geographic information systems

Ability to work well independently


Internship Areas: Environmental Conservation, Planning/Analysis/Research, Public Policy, Scientific Research

Logistical Information

Payment? Unpaid

Number of Hours: 10 - 19

Location: Albany

Number of Interns Needed: 2

Desired Candidate Profile

Preferred Standing Graduate Student

Minimum Standing: Graduate Student

Degree Concentrations: Engineering, Environmental Studies, Liberal Arts, Natural Science, Physical Science, Public Administration